Strategy. Business. Success!

Helping you start your dream business.

I'm Carol

I’m a business strategist and mentor with over 20 years in corporate including VP of new markets for Boots International and global Director for L'Oreal, plus seven years running a consultancy helping product brands grow and scale globally.

I love all things business start up, trends, growth and scaling! I started my consultancy after ex-colleagues approached me for help to get their business idea off the ground. I was living in the USA at the time and finishing a masters degree but when you have that desire and a feeling you were meant to be doing more and it does not go away, then it's time to listen and follow your dreams. I was approached by the UK Department of International Trade, or the UKTI as they were known then, to join them at a retail business event in Dubai so I set up a limited company, finished my masters in record time and I focused on my new venture.

After years working in international corporate roles at Director, VP and Exec Board level, I understand what it's like to set up your own business. Having a team of experts around you, huge budgets and being the go to person in your industry can be a scary place when it's your own venture and in the beginning, just you!

I understand, I made that change too. My consultancy helps create, grow and scale beauty brands but I'm often asked if I can help grow brands outside of the beauty industry, either with their personal brand, a product brand or a service and when enough people ask then you know it' meant to be. So I now offer mentoring to those starting up in any sector.

So if any of this resonates and you are thinking of taking the leap or have already started and are feeling stuck, then do reach out for a


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How I can help you

Service #1

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Service #2

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Service #3

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